IBM DS5020重置管理密码
客户因遗忘IBM DS5020管理密码,从而管理受限不能进行登录管理,本文将记录对DS5020密码重置过程供大家参考,方便自己的同时也方便需要的人。
telnet 账户为 shellUsr 密码为 wy3oo&w4 输入 spriMenuPwdReset 然后输入 Y
也是因为发现存储存在问题,需要用DS Storage Manager 10 Client登录进行管理,在打开程序后,提示需要管理密码,不能进一步进行配置修改操作。而相关负责人又忘记了管理密码,因此只能重置密码,来对存储主机进行维护配置,其步骤如下:
--网线连接控制器管理口,这里以controller B为例:
[root@ijx ~]# telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.VxWorks login: shellU
VxWorks login: sr
VxWorks login: shellUsr
Login incorrectVxWorks login: shellUsr
VxWorks login: shwll
Login incorrectLogin timed out after 60 seconds!
Connection closed by foreign host.
[root@ijx ~]#--输入要快,因为没在规定时间输入正确密码,锁定60秒。
[root@ijx ~]# telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.VxWorks login: shellUsr
Login incorrectVxWorks login: shellUsr
-> helphelp Print this list
dbgHelp Print debugger help info
edrHelp Print ED&R help info
ioHelp Print I/O utilities help info
nfsHelp Print nfs help info
netHelp Print network help info
rtpHelp Print process help info
spyHelp Print task histogrammer help info
timexHelp Print execution timer help info
h [n] Print (or set) shell history
i [task] Summary of tasks' TCBs
ti task Complete info on TCB for task
sp adr,args... Spawn a task, pri=100, opt=0x19, stk=20000
taskSpawn name,pri,opt,stk,adr,args... Spawn a task
td task Delete a task
ts task Suspend a task
tr task Resume a task
tw task Print pending task detailed info
w [task] Print pending task infoType <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
d [adr[,nunits[,width]]] Display memory
m adr[,width] Modify memory
mRegs [reg[,task]] Modify a task's registers interactively
pc [task] Return task's program counter
iam "user"[,"passwd"] Set user name and passwd
whoami Print user name
devs List devices
ld [syms[,noAbort][,"name"]] Load stdin, or file, into memory
(syms = add symbols to table:
-1 = none, 0 = globals, 1 = all)
lkup ["substr"] List symbols in system symbol table
lkAddr address List symbol table entries near address
checkStack [task] List task stack sizes and usage
printErrno value Print the name of a status value
period secs,adr,args... Spawn task to call function periodically
repeat n,adr,args... Spawn task to call function n times (0=forever)
version Print VxWorks version info, and boot line
shConfig ["config"] Display or set shell configuration variables
strFree [address] Free strings allocated within the shell (-1=all)Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:
NOTE: Arguments specifying 'task' can be either task ID or name.
value = 1 = 0x1
-> spriMenuPwdResetAre you sure that you want to reset the Storage Array Password ? (Y/N): y
Storage Array Password reset successful
value = 42 = 0x2a = '*'
->再次用DS Storage Manager 10 Client管理存储的时候,会提示设置新密码。可以修改为 Wy3oo&w4
We have below 3 commands to reset SMpasswd (Please execute in CNTL-A command line)
1. clearSYMbolPassword
Test OK in FW 06.60 and 07.60, can berun concurrently, no need to reboot CNTL
2. symbolPwdReset
Test OK in FW 06.60 and 07.60, can berun concurrently, no need to reboot CNTL
-> symbolPwdReset
Are you sure that you want to reset theStorage Array Password ? (Y/N): y
Storage Array Password resetsuccessful
value = 42 = 0x2a = '*'
NOT work in FW 06.60 and 07.60, Test OKby PFE steven in FW 07.70, can be run concurrently, no need to reboot CNTL
> spriMenuPwdReset
Are you sure that you want to reset theStorage Array Password ? (Y/N): y
Storage Array Password reset successful
value = 42 = 0x2a = '*'
Note: Beginning from FW 7.70, SMGUI password MUST be set, otherwise you can not open the subsystem managementwindow. You can not ignore the password warning message when you open the SM aspervious FW level.